Philanthropy in the Black

Philanthropy in the Black is a hybrid social mission/social enterprise L3C providing comprehensive multi-layered support and information based philanthropic engagement, insight and analysis, formulated by veteran non-profit fundraising executive, Christine Gavin. The company is committed to advancing Compassionate Capitalism that will revolutionize social consciousness through thought enhancing media platforms, including a newsroom, podcast, broadcast and video shorts. 


Vision Statement

When both profits and philanthropy are in the black, compassionate capitalism can create a more equitable world.


Capitalism + Compassion = Compassionate Capitalism

In its essence, Philanthropy in the Black asserts a consciousness for all American citizens to become involved in the illumination of Compassionate Capitalism as a way of being. By advancing a belief system that profits will come when the good of the people and the planet has as high of a priority as their profits being in the black, we will have a transformed world. 


Advancing Compassionate Capitalism Coaching and Consultancy

Philanthropy in the Black is navigating the complexities of the world of philanthropy within the fast-changing race, ethnic, gender, and age demographics through corporate social responsibility consulting services. 

These services offer supportive examinations for corporate giving by taking a deeper look at philanthropy through the lens of multi-layered perspectives and by advancing Corporate Social Responsibility departments’ charitable investment intentions. 

Philanthropy in the Black is developed for modern-day fluid and nimble leaders and thinkers:

  • Corporate Giving
  • Motivated Philanthropist
  • Fortune 500 CEOs and Executive
  • Global, National, and Local Foundation Decision Makers
  • Scholars and Thought leaders
  • Fundraising Development Professionals
  • Non-Profit Executives
  • Social Media visionaries

Philanthropy in the Black supports reliable and sustainable corporate philanthropic giving by:

  • Advancing compassionate capitalism through Corporate Giving consultation and advisement 
  • Looking at each corporate entity’s specific attributes to review and/or expand upon comprehensive strategies for giving 
  • Reviewing and making recommendations for your employees giving and consumer engagement efforts
  • Advancing successful deployment of Corporate Social Responsibility pledges and future social impact investments
  • Embedding diversity into team mindsets and solutions to empower equitable giving 
  • Developing and strengthening strategies for honoring pledges to diverse communities and guide internal teams towards identifying key partners 
  • Provide connections between corporations and stakeholders in need
  • Providing audits and implementation of Corporate Giving
  • Reviewing on-line requests to see if certain biases or limitations that impeded broader, more advanced giving are within the giving guidelines
  • Conducting due diligence of potential investments to assess prospects, review financial and social performance, and that the mission fits theory of change and outcome metrics 
  • Provide training for effective, cross cultural methods of exchanging information and news based on socially nuanced perspectives
  • Provide coaching and training to help companies build an sameness culture
  • Help companies deliver social value while maximizing investment value

Philanthropic – Social Good Media & Marketing Platform 

Philanthropy in the Black is committed to advancing compassionate capitalism that will revolutionize social consciousness through its thought-enhancing multi-media platforms, including a Newsroom, Podcast, Broadcast, and Social Good Video Shorts. 

The Aggregate Newsroom is a daily one-stop-shop for corporate philanthropy executives, non-profit leaders, and cross-cultural community members to see the stories happening worldwide.

Utilizing an aggregated newsroom website, Philanthropy in the Black will showcase current news in the world of philanthropy around race, gender & sexuality, arts & culture, economics & poverty, education, environment & climate, and health. We also aim to create original Philanthropy in the Black written content which will be posted within this platform. 



A listening opportunity for Corporate Social Responsibility executives to hear the stories of Non-profit leaders that are in the community with live-action, real-time storytelling of the people in the community being served. This platform helps to include non-profit leaders led by people of color working in:

  • Poverty Relief Programs
  • Social & Racial Equality
  • Criminal Justice Reform
  • Literacy Programs for Children
  • Gun Violence 
  • Sex Trafficking & Sexual Violence 
  • Arts & Culture
  • Education
  • Gender & Sexuality 
  • Mental Health & Wellness


Video Shorts & Live Broadcast

Through our Video Shorts and Special Broadcast, corporations will have the opportunity to share their ideas and insights into the world of traditional and transformative philanthropy in a time of profound social change. Social goals and economic goals are undoubtedly connected. Productivity is connected to workers living in safe, educated, crime free, drug free, safely housed communities. 

This media and marketing platform offers corporations the opportunity to publicize the valuable assets they are bringing to communities and non-profit organizations while also signaling to other funders the importance of collective investments. This further allows corporations to pass their giving values to future generations of American communities and connect to social change influencers as they share the extraordinary stories of their philanthropic investments, outcomes, and impact. By profiling the inspiration and intention of corporate social impact investments, corporate leaders can then learn, teach, engage and connect with the local community by sharing their corporation’s commitment to solving social inequities. 

Use your business platform to speak out and showcase the causes you care about, the impact and results your company is making in our world.  Share the synergistic effect of philanthropy.


“True philanthropy requires a disruptive mindset, innovative thinking and a philosophy driven by entrepreneurial insights and creative opportunities.” Naveen Jain, CEO, Info Space